In order to use the data from one package to another package or within the package, we have to use the concept of access specifiers. In JAVA we have four types of access specifiers. They are private, default (not a keyword), protected and public.
Access specifiers makes us to understand how to access the data within the package (class to class, interface to interface and interfaces to class) and across the package (class to class, interface to interface and interfaces to class). In other words access specifiers represent the visibility of data or accessibility of data.
Syntax for declaring a variable along with accessspecifiers:
[Access specifiers] [Static] [Final] data type v1 [=val1], v2 [=val2] [=valn];
For example:
Public static final int a=10; Protected int d; Int x; [If we are not using any access specifier it is by default treated as default access specifier] Private int e;
Classes | Private | Default | Protected | Public |
Same package base class | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Same package derived class | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Same package independent class | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Other package derived class | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Other package independent class | No | No | No | Yes |
Write a JAVA program which illustrates the concept of access rules?
// // javac -d . package sp; public class Sbc { private int N_PRI=10; int N_DEF=20; protected int N_PRO=30; public int N_PUB=40; public Sbc() { System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PRIVATE = "+N_PRI); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_DEFAULT = "+N_DEF); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PROTECTED = "+N_PRO); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PUBLIC = "+N_PUB); } }; // // javac -d . package sp; public class Sdc extends Sbc //(is-a relation & within only) { public Sdc() { // System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PRIVATE = "+N_PRI); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_DEFAULT = "+N_DEF); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PROTECTED = "+N_PRO); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PUBLIC = "+N_PUB); } }; // // javac -d . package sp; public class Sic { Sbc so=new Sbc(); // (has-a relation & within only) public Sic() { // System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PRIVATE = "+so.N_PRI); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_DEFAULT = "+so.N_DEF); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PROTECTED = "+so.N_PRO); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PUBLIC = "+so.N_PUB); } }; // // javac -d . package op; public class Odc extends sp.Sbc // (is-a relation & across) { public Odc () { // System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PRIVATE = "+N_PRI); // System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_DEFAULT = "+N_DEF); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PROTECTED = "+N_PRO); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PUBLIC = "+N_PUB); } }; // // javac -d . package op; public class Oic { sp.Sbc so=new sp.Sbc (); // (has-a relation & across) public Oic () { // System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PRIVATE = "+so.N_PRI); // System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_DEFAULT = "+so.N_DEF); // System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PROTECTED = "+so.N_PRO); System.out.println ("VALUE OF N_PUBLIC = "+so.N_PUB); } }; // // javac import sp.Sbc; import sp.Sdc; import sp.Sic; class ASDemo { public static void main (String [] args) { // import approach System.out.println ("WITH RESPECT TO SAME PACKAGE BASE CLASS"); Sbc so1=new Sbc(); System.out.println ("WITH RESPECT TO SAME PACKAGE DERIVED CLASS"); Sdc so2=new Sdc(); System.out.println ("WITH RESPECT TO SAME PACKAGE INDEPENDENT CLASS"); Sic so3=new Sic(); // fully qualified name approach System.out.println ("WITH RESPECT TO OTHER PACKAGE DERIVED CLASS"); op.Odc oo1=new op.Odc(); System.out.println ("WITH RESPECT TO OTHER PACKAGE INDEPENDENT CLASS"); op.Oic oo2=new op.Oic(); } };
Sometimes there is no necessity for the JAVA programmer to create an object with some name. In such situations we can use the concept of nameless object.
For example:
// named object approach Test t1=new Test (); t1.display ();
To convert the above statements into nameless object approach follow the following statements.
For example:
// nameless object approach new Test ().display ();