Java Tutorial

Shorted Set


Set does not contain any special method except Collection interface methods.


SortedSet extends Set. The following are the methods which are specially available in SortedSet interface.

public Object first (); 
public Object last ();
public SortedSet headSet (Object obj); xi <=  obj 
public SortedSet tailSet (Object obj1, Object obj2);


  1. Set is the sub-interface of java.util.Collection interface.
  2. An object of Set does not allows duplicates i.e., all the elements in the set must be distinct (unique).
  3. Set object always displays the data in random order.
  4. Set object allows us to add the elements only at ending position.
  5. Set object allows us to retrieve the data only in forward direction.


  1. SortedSet is the sub-interface of java.util.Set interface.
  2. SortedSet object does not allows duplicates.
  3. SortedSet object will displays the data automatically in sorted order.
  4. SortedSet object allows us to add the elements only at ending position.
  5. SortedSet object allows us to retrieve only in forward direction.

HashSet and TreeSet:

1. It extends AbstractSet.1. It extends AbstractSet and implements SortedSet.
2. It follows hashing mechanism to organize its data.2. It follows binary trees (AVL trees) to organize the data.
3. We cannot determine in which order it displays its data. 3. It always displays the data in sorted order.
4. Retrieval time is more.4. Retrieval time is less.
5. The operations like insertion, deletion and modifications takes more amount of time.5. The operations like insertion, deletion and modifications take very less time.
6. Creating HashSet is nothing but creating an object of HashSet () class.6. Creating TreeSet is nothing but creating an object of TreeSet () class.

Write a JAVA program which illustrates the concept of TreeSet?


import java.util.*;

class tshs {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TreeSet ts = new TreeSet();
        System.out.println("CONTENTS OF ts = " + ts);
        System.out.println("SIZE OF ts = " + ts.size());
        ts.add(new Integer(17));
        ts.add(new Integer(188));
        ts.add(new Integer(-17));
        ts.add(new Integer(20));
        ts.add(new Integer(200));
        ts.add(new Integer(177));
        System.out.println("CONTENTS OF ts = " + ts);
        System.out.println("SIZE OF ts = " + ts.size());
        Iterator itr = ts.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Object obj =;

Write a JAVA program which illustrates the concept of HashSet?


import java.util.*;

class hsts {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        HashSet hs = new HashSet();
        System.out.println("CONTENTS OF hs = " + hs);
        System.out.println("SIZE OF hs = " + hs.size());
        hs.add(new Integer(17));
        hs.add(new Integer(188));
        hs.add(new Integer(-17));
        hs.add(new Integer(20));
        hs.add(new Integer(200));
        hs.add(new Integer(177));
        System.out.println("CONTENTS OF hs = " + hs);
        System.out.println("SIZE OF hs = " + hs.size());
        Iterator itr = hs.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Object obj =;